Iran tourism: Estakhrgah village, the hidden paradise near Rudbar

Estakhrgah is a small village in the Iranian province of Gilan. It is known as the hidden paradise.

The village is located near the city of Rudbar, the land of olive trees. Estakhrgah’s unique beauty of the four seasons attracts many tourists every year.

You have to cross paddy fields and go through beautiful mountain roads to reach this village which is one of the attractions of Rudbar.

Estakhrgah, with the pleasant climate of a mountainous area, hosts guests from other cities in all seasons.

Estahkrgah’s pond or pool is one of the reasons tourists choose this village as their destination. But the forest beauty of this village is also mesmerizing.

The forests around the village are so beautiful that if you go hiking there in the morning, you will need to spend the rest of the day in the beauties of Darfak slope.

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