Iran to Enrich Uranium Up to 60% If Needed: Ayatollah Khamenei

Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran is not in pursuit of building nuclear weapons, but it may increase its uranium enrichment level to 60 percent if needed.

“We are determined to develop our nuclear capabilities in line with the needs of the country,” the Leader said in a Monday meeting with members of the Assembly of Experts.

“For this reason, Iran’s enrichment will not be limited to 20%, and we will take whatever action is necessary for the country. For example, for developing nuclear propulsion and other activities, we may even increase enrichment to 60%,” he added.

Referring to the bill passed by the Iranian parliament and regarding reduction of Iran’s JCPOA commitments, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The parliament ratified a bill and the administration welcomed it. Until yesterday, the administration did what it was supposed to do regarding this bill. By God’s grace, it will put another part of it into effect tomorrow too.”

He emphasized, “The administration is committed to acting in accordance with the law. Therefore, this law, which is good, should be executed precisely.”

Ayatollah Khamenei described the way the US and the three European countries (the UK, France and Germany) talk regarding Iran’s reduction of its JCPOA commitments as being arrogant, high-handed, unjust, erroneous rhetoric.

“From the first day and for a long time, the Islamic Republic honoured its commitments based on the Islamic teachings. But the side which did not honour its commitments from the first day was these four countries. Therefore, it is they who should be reprimanded and questioned.”

He also said, “Since the US withdrew from the JCPOA and others went along with them, the Holy Quran commands under such circumstances that we too should abandon our commitments. Even so, our honourable administration did not abandon its commitments. They only gradually reduced some of them. Of course, these things can be reversed should the other side return to their commitments.”

The Leader stated that the result of their arrogant rhetoric is an increase in the Iranian people’s hatred for westerners.

“In the middle of all this, that international Zionist clown repeatedly says that they will not allow Iran to produce nuclear weapons. He should be told that if the Islamic Republic wished to build nuclear weapons, he and people much bigger than him would not be able to stop it.”

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed, “What prevents the Islamic Republic from building nuclear weapons is Islamic principles and ideology because Islam forbids the building of any weapon – be that nuclear or chemical – which is used for the mass destruction of ordinary people.”

As an example, he cited the massacre of 220,000 people due to the nuclear bombardment of Japanese cities by the US, the siege on the oppressed people of Yemen, and also the bombardment of their markets, hospitals and schools at the hands of westerners. He went on to say, “Killing civilians and innocent people is the American and western way, but the Islamic Republic does not accept this method. Therefore, the Islamic Republic is not thinking about building a nuclear weapon.”

He also added, “Of course, a certain deal with a specific timeline has been signed, and if they honour it, we will honor it as well for the time specified in the deal. But the westerners know perfectly well that we are not in pursuit of building nuclear weapons.”

“The issue of building a nuclear weapon is merely an excuse. They are even opposed to us having normal weapons because they wish to remove all elements of power from Iran.”

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that nuclear power plants will be one of the most important sources for providing energy in the not-too-distant future because they are a source that provides healthier, cleaner, cheaper energy. “Therefore, we cannot begin enrichment on that day. Rather, we should prepare ourselves today for when we will need it in the future.”

“Westerners want Iran to be dependent on them so that on the day when Iran needs nuclear energy, they will be able to use our need as a tool to coerce, put pressure and impose their demands on us.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated, “The Islamic Republic will not back down on the nuclear issue, in the same way that it will not back down on other issues either. It will move forward with complete strength in the direction of that which benefits the country at the present time and in the future.”

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