Iran, Spain Agree on Exchange of Pharmaceutical Technology, Products

A Spanish pharmaceutical company has signed contracts with a number of Iranian enterprises to share and exchange the pharmaceutical technology and products.

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors in Iran. The Islamic Republic’s efforts in recent years have led to the production of high-quality medicines, for which demands from the foreign companies have been growing.

Meanwhile, the Biotechnology Development Council of Iran’s Vice Presidency for Science and Technology arranged for representatives of a leading Spanish pharmaceutical company to visit Iran and get acquainted with the capabilities of the Iranian companies.

During the three-day trip to Iran, representatives of the Spanish company paid visits to the research and production facilities of a number of Iranian pharmaceutical companies, such as Dorsa Pharmaceutical, Tofigh Daru, Baran, Alborz, CinnaGen, Mad, Shafa Daru, Biology Fermentation Company, and the Glands Research Center of Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences.

In the visits, the Spanish delegation provided the Iranian companies and centers with a series of experiences, and discussed arrangements for close cooperation with Iran.

At the conclusion of the trip, the Spanish company signed a contract to transfer and exchange pharmaceutical technology and products with the Iranian enterprises.

Under the contract, the Spanish and Iranian companies would exchange technology, raw materials, and the technical know-how in various sectors of the pharmaceutical industry.

The agreement is also expected to provide the necessary infrastructure allowing the Iranian pharmaceutical companies to gain benefit from exports.

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