Iran says has seized two Greek oil tankers in Persian Gulf

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps has announced the seizure of two Greek oil tankers in the Persian Gulf.


The IRGC said its naval forces detained Delta Poseidon and Prudent Warrior for what it called “violations” in the Persian Gulf.

Reports say Delta Poseidon was escorted by an IRGC chopper to the Iranian coast while Prudent Warrior was seized by the Iranian naval forces.

The Greek tankers were seized off Bandar Lengeh and Assaluyeh.

The Greek foreign ministry called the confiscation of the vessels as piracy and called on Iran to release them.

Tasnim news agency quoted informed sources as saying that the IRGC forces captured the ship in a coordinated operation. They said there are still 17 Greek ships in the Persian Gulf which the IRGC could seize if Greece continues its shenanigans.

According to the sources, Greece must take necessary actions to redress its mistake regarding the ship carrying Iranian oil.

Arab-speaking news channel Al-Mayadeen quoted regional media outlets as saying the ships were confiscated in a retaliatory move by the IRGC following the Greek government’s seizure of an Iranian ship that was carrying oil.

Earlier, Iran summoned the Greek charge d’affaires in protest against the move. Tehran condemned the detention of its ship as “piracy” and said Athens did that under pressure from Washington.

Greece says it is sending the cargo of the ship to the US.

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