Iran president’s pick for trade ministry says ‘rise in non-oil exports’ on agenda

Iranian President Massoud Pezeshkian’s nominee for the ministry of industry, mine, and trade says developing exports and boosting the country’s trade balance through increasing non-oil exports is a top priority in his program.

Mohammad Atabak addressed the parliament on Tuesday, the fourth day the lawmakers are assessing the qualifications of the proposed cabinet.

The proposed minister also said “the development of new export blocs with an emphasis on national, provincial zones and target markets, maximum use of capacity, agreements with neighboring countries, preferably through unions, and maximum use of the capacity of various regional agreements” are among his plans.

He also stressed that the trade ministry, under his command, would continue the country’s cordial ties with BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Atabak highlighted that he would seek to make plans according to changes, explaining “planning should always be updated depending on the conditions.”

The proposed minister for the ministry of industry, mine, and trade was the first nominee to have been assessed in Tuesday’s session.

The parliament will convene on Wednesday to vote on the cabinet lineup.

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