Iran Leader congratulates nation on successful return of Iranian navy flotilla after round-the-world voyage

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has congratulated the Iranian nation on the successful return of the country's navy’s 86th flotilla following its historic voyage on the high seas.

“I extend my congratulations to the brave men of the 86th flotilla of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Navy on their grand and successful naval mission. Dear ones, welcome back home, and may you be successful,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in his message on Saturday.

The 86th flotilla, comprised of domestically-manufactured Dena destroyer and Mokran forward base ship, docked at the southern port of Bandar Abbas on Saturday, formally ending its historic mission of circumnavigating the world.

It had set sail from Bandar Abbas on September 20 last year for a global voyage that took it to the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans.

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