Iran extends Covid-related curbs for two weeks

A spokesman for Iran’s National Taskforce for Fighting Coronavirus has said Covid-related restrictions that have been already put in place will be extended for another two weeks.

Abbas Shiravjen said the restrictions include the requirement that administrative sessions in roofed places must be held with the maximum number of 30 people in attendance.

He added that the meetings must last at maximum 90 minutes.

According to the spokesman, ritual, religious and cultural gatherings that are held in roofed places must occupy 20% of the space capacity for a maximum of 90 minutes.
Shiravjen also said all people indoors must wear masks.

Meanwhile, passenger flights must also have up to 60% capacity.
These approvals should continue for the next two weeks.

He added radio and television and the Ministry of Health should carry out persuasive activities to convince people to complete vaccination and get their third dose.

Shiravjen also called on pilgrims in the holy Iranian city of Mashhad to observe health protocols to prevent further expansion of Covid.

The spokesman for Iran’s National Taskforce for Fighting Coronavirus said regarding the February 12 march to mark the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution that the Interior and Health Ministries have been instructed to design and propose a new way of holding the rally that would be different from previous years.

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