Iranian daily: US would better accept nuclear agreement; time passing in favor of Iran

The Iranian government’s official newspaper, “Iran”, says time is passing in favor of the Islamic Republic in the Vienna talks and this means Washington needs to back down and accept Iran’s demands.

Iran Newspaper wrote that Iran is in a better position to push for its demands seeing the international developments including the war in Ukraine and tensions around Taiwan, as well as global energy shortage, the resulting rise in prices and their political, economic and security consequences.

Iran’s domestic capabilities, Iran Newspaper wrote, is further tipping the scales in favor of Tehran amid openings in its relations with non-western countries, its developing nuclear capability and the realization of its defensive and regional objectives.

“In the coming days and weeks, we will be witnessing that the West’s leverages will lose their effectiveness more than ever and Iran’s pressure on the West will increase,” the daily wrote.

“If western sides are pragmatic, they will realize that an agreement today would be better than an agreement tomorrow. The reason is that at least US President Joe Biden is desperately in need of an achievement to offer in the run-up to the US elections.”

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