Iran Covid: Downward trend holding

Iranian Health Ministry figures on Thursday showed that the downward trend in Covid deaths and infections is holding in the country. The tally put the number of deaths from Wednesday to Thursday at 3. The total deaths toll from Covid is 141,201.

The daily caseload was 371 as per the figures released by the Health Ministry on Thursday. They included 71 hospitalizations.

The daily deaths have been single-digit for the past few days.

Officials in Iran attribute this to a nationwide vaccination process and the people’s observance of the health protocols.

Now over 85 percent of the country’s population are double-vaxxed with the officials saying herd immunity has occurred in Iran.

Nearly 30 million people are triple-vaxxed in the country. Authorities say people over the age of 70 and also healthcare personnel must get their fourth shot of vaccine. The authorities say thanks to the vaccination process, the vast majority of cities and towns have no deaths.

They are however warning Iranians to not relax health protocols so they will not cause a resurgence of the Coronavirus pandemic.

No red cities or towns exist in Iran currently. Red zones are areas where people face the highest level of risk from the virus.

Most cities are however Yellow while over 120 cities and towns are blue, which means the situation has returned to normal there.

Covid killed millions worldwide before subsiding in many parts of the world.

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