Iran says Albania’s decision to cut ties lacks foresight, unmeasured

The Iranian ministry of foreign affairs says Albania’s recent move to cut political ties with Iran based on ‘unfounded accusations’ is unmeasured and short of foresight in international relations.

The Iranian foreign ministry, in a statement, strongly condemned the Albanian government’s anti-Iran measure following the decision.

The ministry dismissed the baseless accusations leveled by the Albanian government against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

It pointed to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s ‘principled positions’ on cyberspace in international multilateral bodies in line with drafting rules and regulating this field.

The statement says the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a country whose vital infrastructure has been the target of cyberattacks, rejects and condemns any use of the cyberspace as a tool to launch attacks on other countries’ vital infrastructure.

The statement also dismissed the unproved claims against the Islamic Republic of Iran, stressing that the type of the move and the role played by third parties in fabricating the allegations against the Islamic Republic are indicative of exertion of influence in the issue by seditionist countries that sponsor terrorism.

It also highlighted the organized political and media activities that quickly followed the Albanian government’s announcement of its decision to cut ties with Iran, saying the US administration’s swift issuance of a statement and the Zionist media outlets’ welcoming of the decision are indicative of a pre-mediated plan to create political hype against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Ministry also pointed to the Albanian government’s hosting of the anti-Iran terror group, the MKO, expressing regret that Tirana is being influenced by third parties.

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