Former Iranian MP calls for direct talks with US

A former high-ranking Iranian member of parliament says Iran missed very good opportunities for talks with the US during the presidency of Joe Biden.

Heshmatollah Falahtpisheh, who used to be the chair of the Iranian Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, voiced hope that the administration of President Ebrahim Raisi will not let the remaining few opportunities pass by continuing what he called “mediatory diplomacy”.

Falahatpisheh claimed that the Iranian authorities have made a taboo of talks with the US while there is no logic behind the refusal to negotiate.

The former Iranian lawmaker said few countries in the world are in their fifth decade while facing sanctions.

Falahatpisheh said unfortunately, some Iranian officials are stuck in the past enmities and this has made them unable to use the opportunities.

He added that no administration after the Islamic Revolution received as many green cards as Raisi’s for talks with the US.

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