Former Iran diplomat: An inclusive deal highly unlikely in Vienna

A former Iranian diplomat says it’s highly unlikely Iran and the P4+1 group of countries reach an inclusive deal in the Vienna talks.

Ghassem Mohebali predicted that Iran and the other sides will reach a temporary agreement to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control.

According to the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s former director general for Middle East, the Europeans and the US could be willing to remove anti-Iran sanctions to ramp up pressure on Russia.

Mohebali said the Russians would loathe this equation. The former Iranian diplomat added that a deal in Vienna will step up pressure on Russia and the emerging paradox has made it difficult to reach an agreement.

Mohebali also spoke of the situation in Ukraine. He said the Russians have failed to achieve their objectives there and it’s a long shot they will succeed in doing so.

The former Iranian diplomat said it’s likely the warring sides agree to a truce but the ramifications of the war for the international relations are deep.

Mohebali also said the Ukraine war will adversely affect Iran’s foreign policy as the Islamic Republic has bet on the wrong horse.

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