Expert: Iraqis refuse to pay their energy debt to Iran by shifting blame onto US

Iranian foreign policy expert Seyyed Ali Hosseini says Iraqi officials are deliberately dragging their feet on the payment of their energy debt to Iran through hampering a mechanism that’s been created for this purpose.

Hosseini added that in fact Iraq’s Bank of Commerce has thrown the payment of the country’s debt to Iran into administrative pitfalls to avoid fulfilling Baghdad’s commitments but the Iraqi officials shift the blame onto the US sanctions.

Hosseini noted that a direct communication channel needs to be put in place between Iran and the US in such cases so the Iraqis cannot use the US as an excuse for refusing to pay their debtq.

He added that Iraqis are used to living a double life in this respect as, on the one hand, they say they are friends with Iran, but, on the other hand, they have learned to seek their own interests from Iran’s conditions in foreign policy issues.

The foreign policy expert said when Iran cuts gas flow to Iraq due to Baghdad’s failure to pay for the gas, the Iraqi officials incite their people against Iran, and under such circumstances, Iran has to convince the Iraqis that it’s their own government that is dragging its feet on paying its debt to Iran.

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