Ex-Pres. Rouhani challenges Iranian parliament’s efficacy, elections disqualifications

Former Iranian President Hassan Rouhani criticized the current Iranian parliament, stating that an alternate assembly could have resolved the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and lifted the anti-Iran sanctions.

Rouhani emphasized that unifying powers wouldn’t solve the country’s issues.

He was referring the three branches of the government that have the same political affiliation.

Expressing skepticism, Rouhani highlighted the impracticality of expecting problems to dissipate through unified efforts.

He referenced recent disqualification of the hopefuls for the upcoming parliamentary elections following the Supreme Leader’s remarks, lamenting the impact on voter turnout.

Rouhani criticized the disqualifications, suggesting this wouldn’t increase voter engagement.

He underlined the challenges faced, expecting more confirmations to encourage wider participation.

Reports say Rouhani and former parliament speaker Ali Larijani are going to run in the upcoming parliamentary and assembly of experts elections with a joint list.

The elections will be held in March.

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