China’s negotiator says one step away from final agreement in Vienna talks 

China’s chief negotiator in the Vienna talks says Iran and the P4+1 group of countries are one step away from the final deal.

Wang Qun said the parties are in the final stage of the talks, expressing hope that the final steps will come together.

The Chinese diplomat noted that all sides are intensively working on an agreement. Regarding the role of Iran in the negotiations, the Chinese diplomat said Tehran “has made great efforts constructively with a clear approach in the negotiations, which means that they have put everything on the table and presented their political decisions.”

The chief Chinese negotiator said the measures were taken alongside efforts by the US and Europeans.

The Chinese diplomat called the next two days “vital”, saying more urgency is needed and everyone around is engaged in serious negotiations.

Meanwhile, an informed non-Iranian source told IRNA on Wednesday that the number of members of the European troika’s negotiating delegations in the Vienna talks has increased significantly.

According to the source, France, Germany and Britain have had the highest increase in the number of their diplomats in the past one or two days, and are busy holding consecutive meetings in the venue of the negotiations all day long.

The Iranian delegation has also enlarged with representatives of the Central Bank and Oil Ministry as well as Iran’s deputy foreign minister for economic diplomacy and the representatives of its Atomic Energy Organization attending the talks.

Iran believes that the talks have now reached a point where their success or failure depends solely on the political decisions of the West.

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