Blood Donation Cuts Odds of Contracting Diseases

Donating blood is not only beneficial for the receiver, but can contribute to the donor’s health, too, as studies show a regular blood donor is less prone to contracting lung, colon, stomach, liver and larynx cancers.

There are many people who donate blood out of altruism. Blood donation not only gives new life to another person, but has advantages for the blood donor as well.

Individuals aged 18-60 can donate blood, and those donating blood regularly can continue to do so until they are 65 years old. People with no health problems can donate blood every eight weeks, i.e. the times one donates blood should be at least eight weeks apart. Men can donate blood four times a year, and women three times.

Before donating blood, the donor receives medical examination, which provides information on the donor’s general health situation and the levels of red cells, platelets and plasma in the blood. Blood donation is a free-of-charge method and random test to find out whether or not the donor has certain diseases such as hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases, especially AIDS. Undoubtedly, one would not gain such information about his health without paying its cost.

Donating blood regularly helps re-produce blood regularly, hence preventing certain diseases. Every time an individual donates blood, they lose around 250 milligrammes of iron. Therefore, those suffering from anemia should avoid donating blood. However, those with high iron levels in their blood can control these unusual iron levels and prevent heart diseases and different types of cancer such as leukemia.

Blood Donation Cuts Odds of Contracting DiseasesThe blood samples donated are taken to plasma and blood banks using state-of-the-art equipment, and stored for times of need.

Donating blood will cut the odds of contracting diabetes type II associated with a sedentary life. A lack of physical activity increases cells’ resistance to insulin.

Donating blood regularly reduces the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and cancer.

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Researchers have observed that blood donation reduces the risk of a heart attack by reducing iron levels in the blood. High iron levels in the blood increase blood density and raise the odds of heart attacks.

According to researchers, getting blood from the body will cause the body to increase the production of blood cells. Moreover, blood donation decreases high iron levels that cause heart problems and some kinds of cancer, thus preventing such diseases.

Researchers have studied the relation between blood donation and cancer, and come to the conclusion that a regular blood donor is less prone to contracting lung, colon, stomach, liver, and larynx cancers. Of course, researchers believe more studies need to be done, and care should be taken in every field.

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