IFP Media Wire

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Reports and views published in the Media Wire section have been retrieved from other news agencies and websites, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Iran Front Page (IFP) news website. The IFP may change the headlines of the reports in a bid to make them compatible with its own style of covering Iran News, and does not make any changes to the content. The source and URL of all reports and news stories are mentioned at the bottom of each article.

Soil Erosion Costs Iran $56bn Annually: Official

Soil erosion in Iran is so intense that it is costing the country $56 billion every year, says Mohammad Darvish, an official at the Department of Environment. On average, soil erosion in Iran is three times greater than other Asian countries, and it is one of the highest in the world, Darvish tells the Tehran Times in an exclusive interview.

Netherlands Consultants Assist in Saving Energy and Environment

Farhad Sharif, the deputy of international affairs, met Marten C. van den Berg, the vice minister for foreign trade of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, and Susanna Terstal, the ambassador. 11 April 2016 ICCIMA – A group of Dutch companies came to Iran Chamber of Commerce to meet their Iranian counterparts for collaborations in the fields of agriculture, energy, oil and healthcare services. They were accompanied by the vice minister for foreign trade of the Netherlands.

Iranian Inventor Makes Robot for Deep Wells

Morteza Shirmohammadi is a young inventor who has received several top awards, registering 22 inventions. The 35-year-old inventor has invented a robot for forge welding and pipe cutting. Now, Shirmohammadi is involved in research to generate renewable energy. In an interview with Iran Daily, Shirmohammadi spoke about his inventions. Excerpts follow:

German Companies Seek Bilateral Agricultural Ties

German Minister of Food and agriculture Christian Schmidt came to Iran chamber of commerce to discuss about bilateral works and joint cooperation potentials with Iranian private sector.

Art project spotlights children of war

Iranian graphic designer Majid Abbasi Farahani initiated an art project to draw world attention to children as the main victims of wars and regional conflicts.

Meeting the Italian Artist who Writes Slogans on the Walls

These days, the street artist Luva Massironi - one of the pupils of the well-known visual artist Rammellzee, is a visiting guest at the 8thFadjr International Festival of Visual Arts.

German FM to visit Tehran on Feb 2: source

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is to visit Tehran on February 2, an informed source told IRNA here on Saturday.

Iran: All sanctions to be annulled today

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says “all oppressive sanctions imposed against the Islamic Republic will be annulled today.”

Why Saudis Need to Rethink Their Policies

It’s no secret that Saudi Arabia is in deep social and political troubles, both internally and externally. For the past decades, the family has been leading an absolutely pre-medieval society to become a rich and glamorous petroleum-smelling society with sky-scrapers and fancy cars. Yet, the structure and norms of the society remain unchanged.

14 reasons why Saudi Arabia is a failed Mideast power

Saudi Arabia started 2016 shamefully by carrying out its largest mass execution since 1980, putting 47 men to death on Jan. 2. Among them were at least four prominent Shia activists, including a leader of the kingdom's Shia minority, Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. The killings have spurred a new round of tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the two regional powers.

US must not be allowed to talk of Iraq disintegration: Leader

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the US must not be allowed to speak of disintegrating Iraq.

Enhancement of Iran, Italy Economic Ties Discussed

Senior Iranian and Italian trade officials explored new avenues for paving the way for the promotion of cooperation in various fields, specially in agricultural and railway sectors.

Zionist Regime, ISIL Allies

Syria’s ambassador to the UN says the Zionist reigme allows the free flow of weapons and ISIL terrorists into the occupied Golan Heights and then into the rest of Syria.

Gaza death toll nears 2,000

The Palestinian death figure from more than a month of violence in Gaza has risen to 1,980 as a fragile truce persists between the two sides.

Iranian theater troupes to perform at Swiss festival

Two theater troupes from Iran will give performances at the 35th Zurich Theater Spectacle, an international festival, which is held in Switzerland every year in summer.

Protests Rage in US over Brown’s Death

Protest and unrest continue in the US state of Missouri over the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager by a police officer.

Protesters Defy Pro-Palestine Ban in Paris

Pro-Palestinian protesters clashed with police in central Paris when thousands of marchers defied a ban by French authorities to rally against the occupying regime of Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Iran Self-Sufficient in Diesel Fuel

Iran's Oil Minister says the country has become self-sufficient in the production of diesel fuel.

ISIL bomb attack in Baghdad kills 31 people

The ISIL bomber had rammed his explosives-packed car into a checkpoint near a revered Shia shrine in the heart of the capital late Tuesday, as worshipers awaited security checks before visiting the site during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

Iranian artists express regret over Gaza massacre

Two Iranian artists have stated utter grief over the Zionist regime’s crimes in the Gaza Strip.

Iranian finds interruption wipes out short-term memory

Being interrupted is so bad for your concentration that even a one minute distraction is enough to completely wipe out your short-term memory.

World Qods Day under Shadow of Holocaust in Gaza

Tomorrow is Friday. In fact, the Last Friday of the blessed month of fasting. It is the day on which Muslims throughout the world perform the Weekly Friday Prayer in very large numbers to bid farewell to Ramadhan.

Muslim MPs Discuss Gaza Tragedy

An inter-parliamentary troika meeting, attended by the former, current, and future chairmen of the Parliamentary Union of Islamic Countries (PUIC), opened in Tehran on Tuesday.

Handicraft, resistance economy and employment

Handicrafts are independent products which are inspired by an artisan’s thought, creativity, and performance. It can be considered as one of axes of resistance economy by providing sustainable employment opportunity.

Norwegian Doctor to Obama: Do You Have a Heart?

Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor who volunteers at the overburdened Shifa hospital in the Gaza Strip, has written a letter addressing US president Barack Obama.

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