Analyst: New anti-Iran sanctions show Europeans abandoned talks

The recent sanctions on Iran over human rights allegations show that the Europeans have jettisoned negotiations as an option to resolve the outstanding issues with Iran to restore a 2015 nuclear deal and have adopted a confrontational approach.

Qassem Mohebali, a former director general at the Iranian Foreign. Ministry, told Jamaran news website that the European countries have decided that time is ripe to pile more pressure on Iran to achieve their goals.

He said although the pressure campaign has proved ineffective against Iran in the past, it has the potential to knock the talks to salvage the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) off course.

The EU imposed sanctions on Iran’s morality police and information minister, over the recent unrest and deadly riots in the country.
Mohebali said the allegation that Iran has supplied Russia with drones in the conflict with Ukraine is another bone of contention with the West, despite an outright dismissal of the claim by the Islamic Republic.

Despite the recent tensions, the political affairs analyst said it was unlikely that Europe would decide to resort to trigger mechanism and send Iran’s nuclear case back to the United Nations Security Council to re-impose the past sanctions.

The analyst explained that the United States and Europe already have too much on their plate with their conflict with Russia and cannot afford opening up a new front with Iran.

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