Advisor: US opposition to lifting sanctions key sticking point in Vianna talks

An advisor to the Iranian negotiating team in Vienna says the key impediment to progress in the talks is the United States’ refusal to remove all sanctions imposed on Tehran.

“Some problems exist between Moscow and Washington, but the major obstacle is the US opposition to the lifting of all sanctions,” said Mohammad Marandi.

“So far, the American side has opposed the lifting of all sanctions, and Iran won’t accept this,” he added.

He underlined that the United States’ recent ‘hijacking of an Iranian oil tanker’ is not acceptable to Iran. The advisor also underscored that Western countries have not played a positive role in the talks, either.

“These countries deliberately killed time to deceive Iran,” he explained.

Following the Ukraine crisis, said Marandi, Western countries are in a rush to clinch a deal in the Vienna negotiations.

“The Europeans and Americans want to hide the fact that they wouldn’t like to lift sanctions and give guarantees,” said Marandi.

Meanwhile, UK representative to the Vienna talks Stephanie Al-Qaq expressed regret over negotiations having ground to a halt. “Deeply disappointed #ViennaTalks have paused. Fair and comprehensive deal on table – ready for conclusion,” she tweeted.

“Iran + US have worked hard to resolve final issues. E3 ready to conclude this deal now. External factors must be resolved in next few days or agreement likely to unravel,” she added.

Tehran says the lifting of all sanctions is a prerequisite to reaching an agreement.

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