Iran’s Cheerful Face Depicted at FITUR 2020

Iran recently attended the Fortieth edition of FITUR International Tourism Fair in Spain to introduce itself as a safe and favourable destination to foreign tourists.

This year’s presence coincided with aspersions cast by some governments and foreign media on Iran’s safety over the recent events, making tourists doubtful about travelling to the country.

This is why in Iran’s booth, mounted by the Touring and Automobile Club of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a traditional dancing group from the region of great Khorasan showcased the cheerful side of Iran. The group’s performance during the five-day fair was one of the most popular and attractive sections of the Iranian booth.

Holding a press conference on tourism, a meeting with the Vice President of World Tourism Organization, an Iranian-Spanish tour-operators’ forum hosted by the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Madrid, a meeting with the managers of Moscow Travel and Tour Exhibitions and of French Top Resa were on the agenda of Iran’s booth at FITUR.

Iran’s booth with an area of 297 metres was located in FITUR’s Hall 2 (the Middle Eastern Hall), neighboured by the booths of Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine, and Jordan. Nearly 20 tour and travel agencies alongside [the delegations of] the Free Zones High Council Secretariat, the Iranian provinces of Yazd and Kerman, and Tehran Municipality attended the festival.

FITUR wrapped up on 26 January. Many tour operators believe while compared to the past Tehran did not receive much visits during its days in Spain, and the fair may not alone improve the situation of Iran’s tourism experiencing days of crisis, nonetheless the mere presence of Iran is of such significance that any opportunity should be seized to showcase the country’s safety and peace to the international community.

Enjoying four decades of experience Spain’s FITUR is one of the main Latin-speaking countries’ tourist-commercial events which was held this year from 22 to 26 January in Madrid, attracting 253,000 attendants from 165 countries. The fair was covered by 8,000 correspondents and bloggers. Tourism, heath, creativity and technology were among the fair’s sections.


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