6 Murderers Escape ‘Eye for an Eye’ Punishment in Iran

Six men who had committed murder in separate cases in Iran have managed to obtain consent from the victims' parents and escaped the gallows.

The convicts were supposed to receive the Qisas punishment, which means retaliation in kind in the Islamic Penal Law, early on Wednesday in Rajai Shahr prison in the northern outskirts of Karaj, approximately 20 km west of Tehran.

With the efforts of the Peace and Reconciliation Unit of Tehran’s Criminal Court, four killers escaped retaliation punishment and the two others were granted respite by the victims’ nearest relatives.

One of the murderers is a boy who was 19 at the time of committing murder. He had killed a man following a fatal argument in the street over driving dispute.

He was sentenced to retaliation under the Qisas principle at branch 74 of the Tehran Penal Court.

The verdict was also confirmed in branch 3 of the Supreme Court of Iran, according to a Farsi report by the Tabnak news website.

While the sentence was supposed to be implemented, he managed to escape the retribution with the consent of the victim’s first-degree relatives.

In two other cases, two of the six murderers obtained consent from the victims’ relatives with the payment of over $450,000 as Diyya – the financial compensation paid to the victim or heirs of a victim in the cases of murder.

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