Zarif Holds ‘Straight’ Talks with European Counterpart

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has held talks with his Danish and Estonian counterparts on issues of bilateral interest, especially Europe’s inaction over the 2015 nuclear deal (officially known as JCPOA).

In a Wednesday meeting with Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs Jeppe Kofod in the Indian capital of New Delhi, Zarif had straight talks on the reasons for regional tension and insecurity in the Persian Gulf, especially the presence of the US and its Western allies in the region.

They also discussed the JCPOA and the Europeans‘ indifference to their obligations, their fear of the US, and other issues of mutual interest.

Zarif also held a meeting with Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu. In the meeting, the two top diplomats discussed bilateral relations, JCPOA developments, and the region’s situation.

The talks were held on the sidelines of the Raisina Dialogue conference in New Delhi.

Zarif Holds ‘Straight’ Talks with European Counterpart
Iran’s foreign minister meeting with his Estonian counterpart in New Delhi on Jan. 15, 2020
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