Venezuela Praises Iran’s Resistance in Face of US Pressure

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has praised the Iranian nation for showing resistance to the US’ plots and pressure, saying Tehran and Caracas have managed to force Washington to retreat and accept its failure.

Speaking in a Friday meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Baku, Maduro said that unfortunately in the United States the most warmongering, extremist group has taken power, and is acting against Iran, Venezuela and the independent states.

“Now all independent countries have formed a large front against the US’ extremist and terrorist behaviour, and this is very valuable,” he added.

He also called for further development of relations between Iran and Venezuela, saying, “The economic cooperation committee has prepared all solutions and groundwork for cooperation and we should act quickly based on them.”

Rouhani, in turn, referred to the US’ plots in the region, and said the US has failed to achieve its goals in regional countries, from Iraq and Syria to Palestine, Afghanistan and Yemen. 

“All their conspiracies against us have failed as well,” he said, adding that “in the recent months, Iran’s major economic indices have shown positive trend and this indicates that the plots of the Arrogance and the United States, and their pressures have been fruitless.”

Rouhani referred to bilateral ties between Tehran and Caracas, and said, “Iran and Venezuela have always supported each other in all international and political communities and will continue to do so.”

“We are ready to develop our financial and banking relations and cooperation, and offer our experiences to Venezuela in technical fields, cyber infrastructure, modern technologies and agriculture,” the president said.

He also invited the President of Venezuela to make an official visit to Iran.

The meeting was held ahead of the NAM Leaders’ Summit, which was held with the participation of the heads of 60 member states.

At the Summit, the Republic of Azerbaijan took over the presidency of the NAM for a three-year period (2019-2022).

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is an international organization (group of countries) that do not want to be officially aligned (friends) with or against any major power bloc (group of countries). In 2018, the movement had 125 members and 25 observer countries, which account for 55 percent of the world’s population.

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