UN says unable to confirm IAEA’s report over Iran 84% enrichment

A spokesman for the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has said that the world body is unable to confirm the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report which claimed that Iran has enriched uranium up to 84% of purity.

Speaking to reporters, Stéphane Dujarric said, however, that the IAEA may dispatch a delegation to Tehran this week to examine the claims.

He stated that the UN has not changed its position with regards to Iran’s nuclear program, adding that Iran is supposed to comply with all the agreements it has signed with the IAEA and other international partners.

The IAEA released a confidential report to members of its Board of Governors on Tuesday, announcing that consultations are underway to clarify claims about 84% enrichment in Iran.

Tehran has ruled out the allegations, saying that the issue has been raised to put pressure on the Islamic Republic.

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