Ulyanov: It’s clear Iran won’t accept loopholes, ambiguities in nuclear deal

Russia’s Permanent Representative to International Organizations Mikhail Ulyanov has reacted to comments by the EU foreign policy chief who said his optimism regarding revival of a nuclear deal between Iran and world powers is fading away.

Ulyanov wrote in his Twitter account, “It’s clear that #Iran will not accept loopholes and ambiguities. I am not sure that #EU forgot who is responsible for the current situation. Despite complicated character of int. relations participants in the #ViennaTalks demonstrated so far the ability to be pragmatic,” referring to US withdrawal from the nuclear agreement in 2018.

The talks to salvage the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) kicked off in the Austrian capital city of Vienna in April last year to try to bring Washington back to the pact and remove anti-Iran sanctions.

The EU foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, had said earlier he was “less optimistic about reaching a quick agreement on a revival of the Iran nuclear deal than only a short while ago.”

“I am sorry to say that I am less confident today than 28 hours before … about the prospects of closing the deal right now,” he said on Monday.

Mohammad Marandi, an advisor to the Iranian negotiating team in the Vienna talks, had also stressed that Iran will not accept any ambiguities or loopholes in the text.

“Iran will be patient. The US under (former president Barack) Obama systematically violated the deal and under (next US presidents) Trump/Biden it imposed maximum pressure against innocent (Iranian) citizens. Hence, Iran won’t accept ambiguities or loopholes in the text,” Marandi wrote in a tweet.

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