US-Middle East

Informed source: U.S. strikes in Iraq, Syria to have grave consequences for American forces

An Iranian source says the United States’ recent strikes on areas in Iraq and Syria will have serious consequences for Washington’s troops in the region.

Iraq condemns US air raids as ‘breach of sovereignty’

Baghdad has condemned in the strongest terms the US military’s airstrikes against dozens of sites in Iraq and neighboring Syria as a “violation of the Iraqi sovereignty".

Pentagon confirms airstrikes against dozens of targets in Middle East

The United States begun a new bombing campaign in the Middle East aimed at what it called punishing Iran and affiliated militia groups for a series of drone and missile attacks on American military bases in the region.

Iran FM to EU’s Borell: Military coalitions in Red Sea to fail

The Iranian foreign minister, in a phone conversation with Josep Borrell, the European Union Foreign Policy Chief, says any military coalition in the Red Sea against Yemen will fail to acieve its declared goals.

US threats won’t deter Yemen from keeping up Red Sea operations: Houthis

Mohammad Ali al-Houthi, a member of Yemen's Supreme Political Council, has stated the US threats against the war-torn country will not deter it from continuing its operations in support of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, under a genocidal war by Israel.

Iraqi Resistance announces suspension of anti-US military and security operations

The Islamic Resistance, an umbrella group of Iraqi anti-terror groups, has announced a pause in its military and security operations against American targets across the region.

Iran: Regional resistance groups act independently, do not get orders from Tehran

Regional resistance groups do not take orders from Tehran, nor does Iran have a role in their decisions to carry out retaliatory operations in defense of Gaza, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has stated following a deadly drone strike on a US base in Jordan.

Iran says has no role in deadly attack on US forces in Jordan

Iran’s mission to the United Nations announced that Tehran has no links to a recent fatal drone strike on US troops in Jordan which killed three American military servicemen.

US confirms 8 service members medically evacuated, 34 injured in Jordan attack

US Central Command has confirmed that eight service members were medically evacuated from Jordan after being wounded in Sunday’s drone attack on a US outpost near the Syrian border.

First US troops killed in West Asia since start of Gaza war, Biden blames Iran-backed militants

Three US Army soldiers were killed and at least two dozen service members were injured in a drone attack overnight on a small US outpost in Jordan, Washington has confirmed, marking the first time US forces have been killed by "enemy fire" in the Middle East since the beginning of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip in early October.

US, Iraq start formal talks on winding down Washington-led military coalition

The United States and Iraq have held a first round of talks on the future of American and other foreign troops in the Arab country, with Baghdad expecting discussions to lead to a timeline for reducing their presence.

US attacks Yemen after Houthis military operation against UK vessel

The United States has launched air strikes against Yemen, hours after a British oil tanker was targeted with a missile and set alight in the Gulf of Aden while transiting the Red Sea.

Washington, Baghdad expected to start talks on future of US military presence in Iraq

The US and Iraq are expected to soon begin negotiations on the future of the US military presence in Iraq, according to sources familiar with the matter, amid public calls from Baghdad for Washington to withdraw its troops.

Yemen’s Houthis say their missile hit US warship, Washington denies

Yemen's Houthis have claimed at least one of the missiles fired from Yemen on Wednesday afternoon struck an American warship in the Red Sea and forced two US-owned commercial vessels to retreat. The US Central Command claimed that all the incoming projectiles had been shot down, however.

US denies reports of Syria troop withdrawal

The US Department of Defense has dismissed media reports claiming that Washington may withdraw from parts of Syria, calling them “erroneous". Damascus has repeatedly urged Washington to end the occupation of Syria.

US carries out new round of airstrikes in Iraq

The US launched air raids in Iraq against three facilities linked to "Iran-backed militia", the Pentagon has announced, after a weekend attack on an Iraqi airbase that wounded American forces.

US, UK announce new strikes on Yemen’s Houthis over Red Sea shipping attacks

The United States and the United Kingdom have carried out a new round of air strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen as the armed group continues to target commercial shipping in the Red Sea in support of Palestine.

Houthis warn US against any violation of Yemen’s sovereignty, act of aggression

Yemen's Houthi movement has warned the United States and its allies against any violation of the country's sovereignty following US announced preparedness for sustained raids on Yemen.

Several US soldiers suffer brain injuries in ballistic missile attacks on Iraqi base: CENTCOM

In the latest escalation against American forces in the Middle East, militias launched a barrage of ballistic missiles and rockets at Al-Assad airbase in western Iraq on Saturday that left several US personnel wounded, being treated for "traumatic brain injuries", according to a statement from US Central Command.

Houthis say US strikes on Yemen aimed at guarding Israel, not world

Yemen’s Houthi movement has condemned in the strongest terms the “unjustified” US air raids on the Yemeni territory, stressing they’re aimed at “guarding Israel, not the world".

Report: US conducts new airstrikes on Yemen

The United States reportedly launched a fresh wave of attacks against several targets across Yemen on Wednesday night, just hours after Washington designated the Houthi group as a terrorist organization.

US re-designates Yemen’s Houthis as specially designated global terrorists

US President Joe Biden's administration on Wednesday re-designated the Yemeni movement Houthi as a specially designated global terrorist (SDGT) entity amid continued attacks by the Houthis in the Red Sea.

Biden to officially relist Yemen’s Houthis as terrorist group

The administration of US President Joe Biden is expected to re-designate the Yemeni Houthi group, as a global terrorist entity amid continued attacks in the Red Sea, a source familiar told CNN.

US to send 1,500 soldiers to Iraq, Syria amid regional standoff: Report

The United States is sending 1,500 troops to Iraq and Syria, as its regional standoff with Iran-aligned groups in those countries is rapidly heating up.

Houthi ballistic missile strikes US-owned and operated vessel: CENTCOM

A Houthi anti-ship ballistic missile struck a US-owned and operated vessel on Monday, US Central Command has announced in a statement.

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