Iran-New Zealand Relations

Iran, New Zealand Hold First Round of Bilateral Talks on Human Rights

The first round of bilateral human rights talks between Iran and New Zealand was held on Wednesday through video conference.

Iran, New Zealand Discuss Closer Political-Economic Cooperation

High-ranking diplomats from Iran and New Zealand have held the seventh meeting of the Joint Commission on Political-Economic Cooperation via videoconference.

Iranian Media Condemn West’s Double Standards on New Zealand Terror Attack

The deadly shooting incident in New Zealand which left at least 49 people dead has received strong condemnation by Iranian media, from both reformist and conservative camps.

Foreign Governments Likely behind New Zealand Attack: Iran

Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani says Tehran is suspicious about the terror attack in New Zealand and believes foreign governments might have masterminded it.

West Must Stop Supporting Islamophobia: Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has blamed the Western countries’ support of Islamophobia for the recent deadly attack on Muslim worshippers in New Zealand.

Iran Strongly Condemns New Zealand Terror Attacks

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi has strongly denounced terrorist attacks on two mosques in New Zealand’s Christchurch, which left several Muslim people from various countries martyred and wounded.

Iran FM Holds Talks with Several Foreign Diplomats

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has held talks with Japanese, Senegalese, and Kazakh ambassadors to Tehran, the New Zealand deputy FM, and the new coordinator of the UN Development Programme.

Researchers Use Bacteria to Make Self-Healing Concrete

Researchers in Iran and New Zealand, in a joint project, have made a self-healing concrete made of nanoparticles and a certain type of bacteria.

Iran Keen to Expand Ties with New Zealand, Indonesia, Singapore

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has, in separate meetings with high-ranking Singaporean, Indonesian, and New Zealand officials, expressed Tehran’s interest in promoting its ties with the three states.

Iran to Appoint Three Female Ambassadors

A new report says the Iranian Foreign Ministry is to appoint three female ambassadors, including a Sunni woman, in the near future in a move that would increase the total number of women envoys to four.

Iran President Hails Election of New Zealand’s New PM

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has congratulated Jacinda Ardern on her election as New Zealand’s new prime minister.

Iranian-Born Woman Elected to New Zealand Parliament

Golriz Ghahraman, an Iranian-born woman living in New Zealand, has been elected to the country’s parliament after the special vote count.

New Zealand FM Calls for Closer Tehran-Wellington Ties

New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully stressed the need for promotion of bilateral relations between the Oceanian country and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Iran, New Zealand FMs urge enhanced economic relations

The foreign ministers of Iran and New Zealand on Sunday emphasized the importance of expanding bilateral relations, particularly in the economic sector.

Iran FM arrives in New Zealand

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif arrived in New Zealand capital, Wellington early Saturday as the fifth leg of his Asia-Pacific tour.

Iran, New Zealand Review Ways to Develop Ties

Iran and New Zealand officials in a meeting in Tehran discussed different ways to step up efforts to further expand relations and cooperation between the two countries.

Iran, New Zealand Stress Peaceful Settlement of Syrian Crisis

Head of the Strategic Research Center of Iran's Expediency Council Ali Akbar Velayati and visiting New Zealander Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade Gerard van Bohemen discussed the latest developments in the region, and underlined the need for the exhaustion of all diplomatic capacities to end the 3-year-long bloodshed in Syria.

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