Thursday, April 18, 2024

Shooshtari Pillaf; A Meal for Parties

The Shooshtari Pilaf is a local food indigenous to southern Iran and served especially in celebrations and parties.


Rice: 1kg

Chicken fillets: 500gr

Cooked Cowpeas: 2 cupfuls

Fresh Dill: 2 cupfuls

Fried Onions: 1 onion

Saffron: a teaspoonful

Melted Butter, Salt, Pepper: As Needed

Shooshtari Pillaf; A Meal for Parties


First, boil the cowpeas in a casserole on intense heat until cooked. Then put water and salt in another casserole and turn up the heat till the water begins to boil.

In the meantime, put the chicken fillets on the cutting board and chop them into rather big pieces. Then peel the onions and cut them into small pieces.

Pour some oil in a frying pan and put it on low heat until the oil gets hot. Then sauté the onions in the oil until they are fried well and become golden in colour. After that, add the chopped chicken fillets to the fried onions and sauté them before adding saffron. Now sprinkle salt, pepper and other spices on the fillets.

Now the water in the casserole is boiling. Put the rice in the boiling water and wait until the rice is cooked. Taste some of the rice to see how well the rice is cooked. If the upper layer of the rice is soft and inside the grain is a little hard, it’s time to drain the rice. So, drain the rice and put it aside. Then go check on the frying pan. If the fillets are completely dry with no water left on them, add the dill and cooked cowpeas.

Put some oil in a casserole, put some rice on the bottom of it, and put the fillets along with other materials on the rice. Again, put another layer of rice and one layer of fillets and materials. Keep doing this for several times. Put the lid on and put it on low heat. The Shooshtari Pilaf will be ready in 45 to 60 minutes.

Shooshtari Pillaf; A Meal for Parties


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