IRNA: Satellite images refute Taliban’s water shortage claims in dispute with Iran

Newly-released satellite images show a considerable amount of water at the two controversial dams built by Afghanistan on the Helmand River shared with Iran, contrary to the Taliban’s claims of water shortages there.

The images, published by IRNA on Tuesday, were captured by Iran’s domestically-developed Khayyam Satellite.

The images indicate there is a good amount of water in the reservoir of Kajaki Dam, and the water has filled about 80% of the dam’s capacity.

Meanwhile, the reservoir at the Kamal Khan dam indicates that the water released from the huge Kajaki dam has reached Kamal Khan, and the inflow has been enough to supply the water required for the agricultural lands nearby.

The images show the gates of Kamal Khan have, on some occasions, been opened towards Iran, but the flow of water was diverted back into Afghanistan through two man-made channels, and no water reached the Iranian side of the border.

Tensions have been escalating between Iran and Afghanistan over the Taliban’s violations of the 1973 treaty on shared water resources.

As per the provisions of the treaty, Afghanistan is bound to release 820 million cubic meters of water from the Helmand River annually, but Iranian authorities have repeatedly said that Kabul has been withholding its share.

Iran has warned the Taliban that it will not hesitate to use pressure to make them respect the water rights of Iran.

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