Russian FM: Iran nuclear deal must be revived, implemented soon

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has called for the removal of “all illegal all anti-Iran sanctions” reiterating that the Iran nuclear deal, JCPOA, has no alternative and must be revived and fully

Lavrov made the comments in a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart, Hossein Amirabdollahian, in Moscow on Wednesday.

The top Russian diplomat added despite the illegal sanctions of the US and “its pawns against Iran, our trade cooperation with Tehran is on the rise.”

Lavrov reiterated, “Despite the US sanctions, we pay particular attention to the expansion of trade and economic ties with Iran the volume of which has increased 22 percent over the past year.”

Referring to the Iran nuclear deal, he went on to say, “The JCPOA has no alternative. We seek the prompt revival of the deal. The world is waiting for the US to live up to its commitments under the deal and that anti-Iran sanctions must be lifted.”

The Russian foreign minister also welcomed the reconciliation agreement between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

He said, during talks with his Iranian opposite number the two sides discussed the situation in Syria, and exchanged views on the ways to resolve the crises in Yemen, Palestine and the Caucasus.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian also expressed Iran’s readiness for talks over the establishment of peace and ceasefire in Ukraine.

Amirabdollahian added the West arming Ukraine is making the situation difficult.

The top Iranian diplomat also pointed to the conflict between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Armenia, adding Tehran and Moscow are seeking ways to resolve the crisis.

He also said during talks with Lavrove, they focused on transportation and facilitating the transit in the region including between Iran and Russia.

Amirabdollahian expressed hope that Iran and Russia will manage to finalize a draft agreement on comprehensive strategic agreement by next month.

He expressed hope that the legal organs at the Foreign Ministries of the two countries will finalize the draft agreement by next month.

“We are in the final stages of [the work] before inking the agreement,” he added.

Amirabdollahian added that senior delegations exchange constant visits, and that the presidents of the two countries are in direct contact over the matter.

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