Report: Iranian national on trial in Sweden loses contact with family

Reports say an Iranian national on trial in Sweden for alleged rights violations in Iran in the 1980s has not been in touch with his family for several weeks.

Word is that Hamid Nouri has been in solitary confinement since one month ago. Swedish judicial authorities once changed his confinement place.

Nouri’s family has tried hard to get news about him over the past weeks, but to no avail. This has made them worried.

Nouri was put on trial in Sweden after he was detained upon arrival in the country on a tourist visa.

His detention happened due to a push by the Mojahedin-e-Khalq terrorist organization. Iran says the trial is illegal.

The MEK was blacklisted as a terror group by many countries including the US for a long time. But Washington delisted the group to pressure Iran during Barack Obama’s presidency.

The MEK is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iranians, among them high-ranking officials including a president and a prime minister. These two officials died in bombings for which the group claimed responsibility.

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