Report: Iran protests new US bans during Vienna talks

The Iranian negotiators have reportedly presented a list of the sanctions the US imposed on Iran during the Vienna talks and have protested against the measures.

According to Iran’s Tasnim news agency, the measures by the US have raised objections both by Iran and some other delegations in the talks between Tehran and the P4+1 group of countries, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germnany. 

The objections reportedly center on the fact that the sanctions were timed to be imposed on the eve of the talks.

According to the report, the Iranian negotiating team has announced that Washington cannot claim to seek return to the nuclear agreement while it is simultaneously intensifying its campaign of the so-called maximum pressure against the Iranian nation, through fresh sanctions.

The report says the Iranian side has reiterated that continuation of this approach by the US will backfire and lead to greater complications in the process of the talks.

The US imposed its latest set of sanctions on Iranian entities and individuals as well as their alleged foreign partners just before the resumption of the seventh round of the Vienna talks Thursday.

Iran has repeatedly stressed that removal of all sanctions introduced or re-imposed since the Donald Trump administration’s withdrawal from the nuclear accord in 2018 is the only way forward to return of the US to the deal.

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