Raisi: Iran won’t tie neutralizing sanctions to Vienna talks

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi has reiterated that his administration will not tie efforts to neuter sanctions on the Islamic Republic to the nuclear talks.

Raisi made the comment in a tweet. He added that at a time when Iran is still under sanctions, the country’s oil sales have to some extent increased.

He added that Iran is no longer worried about the matter and the Islamic Republic is collecting revenues from the oil sales.

The Iranian president however noted that his administration will seriously pursue the issue of removing the bans.

The US under former President Donald Trump imposed hundreds of layers of sanctions against Iran with some bans targeting the country’s oil industry.

The sanctions were part of Trump’s so-called maximum pressure campaign against Tehran whose stated goal was to bring the country to its knees. But the sanctions, as many officials in the US admit, failed to achieve that goal and the US under current President Joe Biden is struggling to return to the Iran nuclear deal from which his predecessor withdrew in 2018.

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