Raeisi: US involved in terror attacks in Afghanistan

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi says Iran and Tajikistan have many historical, religious and cultural commonalities and they should use these capabilities to further strengthen their relations and cooperation.

Raeisi was speaking during a meeting with Tajikistan’s Foreign Minister Sirojiddin Muhriddin in Tehran. 

The president referred to the importance of cooperation between neighboring countries especially Iran and Tajikistan to establish peace and stability in Afghanistan and said, “We are after an inclusive government in Afghanistan made up of all ethic and political groups”. Raeisi reiterated that there must be a broad-based government in Afghanistan that would be able to guarantee its security and put an end to war, bloodletting and fratricide. 

Raeisi added that the terrorist attacks in Afghanistan are heart-wrenching for any human being and there is no doubt that the US is involved in these incidents and do not want peace and security in Afghanistan. 

The Iranian president expressed hope that the meeting of the foreign ministers of Afghanistan’s neighbors will result in finding common ground on the formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan. 

Sirojiddin Muhriddin also said Raeisi’s visit to Tajikistan opened a new chapter in the Tehran-Dushanbe ties. 

He said Tajikistan is determined to raise the level of ties with Iran and implement agreements between the two countries. 

Muhriddin added that his country believes that Iran’s accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will have many blessings and will help establish peace and stability in the region. 

Muhriddin also spoke of Tajikistan’s concerns over the situation in Afghanistan. He said a government must take office in the country that would respect all Afghan ethnic groups.

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