Qatar says pushing to bring Iran, US back to nuclear deal

Qatar's Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani has called on Tehran and Washington to revive a 2015 nuclear agreement, saying the deal preserves peace and security in the region and increases the prospects for broader regional cooperation with Iran.

The Qatari foreign minister told Arabic Al Jazeera television network he is holding talks with Iran and the US to help them find common grounds and return to the negotiations in Vienna.

Rejecting speculations that the talks have failed, the Qatari foreign minister said, “I spoke with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken about the Iran nuclear talks and the prospects of reaching an agreement.”

Al Thani said his talks in Washington with his US counterpart covered a number of regional and global issues, including Iran and Afghanistan, in addition to the Palestinian issue and the global food and energy crises.

The US unilaterally abandoned the deal in 2018 and re-imposed harsh sanctions on Tehran.

Al Thani made the remarks as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s Board of Governors is holding a meeting on Iran as a pause in the negotiations to salvage the nuclear deal entered its third month.

Tehran blames the US and its allies France, Britain, and Germany for failing to act constructively.

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