New US Sanctions Show US Is Desperate: Iran

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi says as in previous cases, the new US sanctions on Iran have no legal basis and have been imposed out of desperateness.

In an interview with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) on Thursday, Mousavi underlined that the newly imposed sanctions on Iran will bear no fruit for the US, adding the sanctions will undermine the international principles.

He then called the Iran nuclear deal a multilateral achievement and said the US unilateral withdrawal and the European’s passiveness have endangered the survival of the deal, he said.

Mousavi stressed that the Islamic Republic will never sit for new round of talks over the nuclear issue and Iran will never negotiate over its basic rights with others.

The spokesman then referred to the recent US-sponsored conference in Bahrain’s capital to unveil what is called “The Deal of Century” to resolve the long-time Israeli-Palestinian crisis and said the Zionist regime and the West have sought to sideline the issue of Palestine over the past and “this time, they are planning to pay money to convince Palestinians to give up their rights but like their previous attempts, this plan will end up in failure.”

He also pointed to Iran’s recent shoot-down of a American spy drone after it violated its airspace and said the Islamic Republic of Iran showed its military strength by downing an intruding drone.

Mousavi accused the US of adopting a double standard when it comes to terrorism and said Washington’s allies in the region are mostly sponsors of terrorist groups in the region.


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