Nasrallah: Palestinians won’t give up resistance

The secretary general of Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement says those who are pinning their hopes on the anti-Israeli front abandon their resistance will be disappointed.

“If you have pinned your hopes on the Palestinian people to lose their hope and be disappointed, you are delusional,” Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said, in comments on the situation in the region and Lebanon Monday night.

Nasrallah also slammed those who try to convince the Lebanese that the crisis in their country is due the resistance group being armed.

“Some try to tell the Lebanese that the weapons of the resistance are the cause for crisis in the country. This is while they know themselves that these slogans have no effect on Lebanon’s public opinion. They know people will not believe these lies…. The objective is satisfying the wishes of Saudis, the western society and the US to get their political and financial support. They want to tell these foreign parties that we have a problem with Hezbollah,” he said.

Nasrallah also dismissed talks about delaying the parliamentary elections in Lebanon for months to let the other parties get their act together.

“Against this backdrop, we are right when we accuse the US embassy and the other sides’ political forces of trying to halt the elections,” he said.

He further slammed foreign interference in Lebanon’s politics saying in the 2009 parliamentary elections, Saudis provided Hezbollah’s opponents with hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to buy votes and advance their election campaigns

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