Iran Felicitates Lebanon on Liberation Anniversary

Iran’s foreign minister has congratulated Beirut on the anniversary of the liberation of southern Lebanon from the Zionists’ occupation.

Mohammad Javad Zarif, in separate messages to his Lebanese counterpart Nassif Youssef Hitti and Secretary General of Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, offered congratulations on the Eid of resistance and the anniversary of the victorious liberation of southern Lebanon from the Zionist aggressors.

He said the solidarity of the Lebanese people, government and army with resistance is the key to victories achieved against the Zionist enemy.

Zarif also wished dignity and glory for the government and people of Lebanon and the families of the martyrs and veterans of the resistance movement.

Earlier, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani offered congratulations on the liberation of occupied territories in southern Lebanon to Lebanese officials.

Liberation Day is a Lebanese holiday celebrated on May 25. In 2000, the Israeli occupation forces withdrew from territory in Southern Lebanon, marking the end of the conflict in that region.

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