Thursday, June 27, 2024

Lawyer: Mahsa Amini’s family wants fact-finding committee to probe her death

The lawyer for the family of 22-year-old Iranian girl Mahsa Amini who died in police custody over two weeks ago told Etemad Daily that her relatives want an independent fact-finding committee to probe Ms. Amini’s death.

Saleh Nikbakht said the 22-year-old’s family also wants the committee to consist of 3 to 5 doctors whom they trust.

Nikbakht added that Tehran’s deputy prosecutor agreed to this demand and said authorities will contact Ms. Amini’s family to attend the fact-finding committee’s session, but later “called on us to attend the forensic department Saturday and they insisted that Mahsa did not die as a result of a blow to her head.”

The lawyer of the Aminis noted that what the forensic department says is at odds with the opinion of doctors at Kasra Hospital in Tehran.

Nikbakht also dismissed claims that Ms. Amini’s father has links to any political group, saying he is a decent employee of a state organization.

He added that the girl had no medical issue before her death and there is no way blaming her sudden death of a heart disease.

Nikbakht also insisted that the footage of the police van, that carried Mrs. Amini after her arrest, can be shown so that truth might emerge.

He said the case has been referred to the criminal court by the Judiciary as a murder case, adding, “I need to stress that the Amini family accepts any verdict following an impartial inquiry with the involvement of an independent fact-finding committee consisting of trusted doctors.”

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