IRGC strongly condemns ‘Israel’s crimes’ in Gaza

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps has strongly condemned the Zionist regime’s attacks on Gaza that has left a number resistance commanders and fighters as well as civilians dead in the region.

In a statement, the IRGC said this miscalculation on the part of the Zionists will further increase the Islamic resistance and shorten the time of the occupying regime’s collapse.
The statement noted that the child-killer Zionist entity commits the crimes with the support of the US and other anti-human regimes.

The IRGC added that the atrocities will make Israel and its supporters regret their move.

Elsewhere, the IRGC statement also partly blamed the Zionist regime’s crimes on some Arab governments that normalized ties with ‘the fake regime’ in Tel Aviv.

It underlined that normalization deals with Israel will not guarantee its security but will boost the capacity of the Islamic resistance against the Zionist regime.

The IRGC also urged international organizations and rights groups to end their silence and inaction in the face of the Israeli regime’s crimes and clear their own name that has been stained as a result of crimes by Israel.

The death toll from Israel’s recent air strikes on the Gaza Strip has risen to 32 people including children and women.

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