Israel-Palestine Relations

Australia puts sanctions on Israeli settlers over crimes against Palestinians

Canberra imposed sanctions and travel bans on Israeli settlers it accuses of violent crimes against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

Israel killed nearly 600 Palestinians in West Bank since start of Gaza war: Health ministry

The Israeli army has killed at least 589 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since October 7, the Palestinian Health Ministry announced Wednesday.

Gaza war drives Palestinian budget deficit up 172%: PA

The Palestinian Authority’s budget deficit is projected to surge by 172 percent in 2024 compared to 2023, according to a statement from the PA cabinet.

Palestine condemns Israeli bill to designate UN refugee agency as ‘terrorist entity’

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has slammed an Israeli bill to designate the United Nations refugee agency (UNRWA) as a “terrorist organization".

ICJ ruling shows grave concerns over Israel’s crimes against Palestinians: Iran

Spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry Nasser Kanaani has stated the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) advisory opinion that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory is unlawful reflects the international community’s grave concerns about Tel Aviv’s crimes.

Top UN court says Israel’s presence in occupied Palestinian territories ‘unlawful’

The top United Nations court has announced that Israel’s settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are unlawful and that Tel Aviv must end its presence in the occupied Palestinian territory.

EU puts sanctions on far-right Israelis over rights abuses against Palestinians

The European Union has imposed sanctions against five extremist Israeli settlers and three entities for “serious and systematic human rights abuses” against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

Iran’s president-elect reaffirms support for Palestine

Iran's President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian has stated that the Palestinian issue would be at the top of his administration’s priorities, and that Tehran will not leave Palestinians alone at these difficult times.

Israel announces largest Palestinian land grab in over 3 decades

The Israeli government has seized about 2,370 hectares of land in the occupied West Bank this year alone, culminating in the largest land grab in more than 30 years, according to an Israeli settlement watchdog.

More than 9,600 Palestinians held in Israeli jails: Rights group

At least 9,623 Palestinians are currently being held in Israeli prisons, including thousands without trial, official Israeli figures show.

Israel’s army says needs 10,000 soldiers ‘immediately’

The Israeli army needs 10,000 more soldiers immediately amid the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has stated.

Palestinian presidency refutes administration of Gaza by foreigners

The Palestinian presidency has released a statement rejecting any administration of the Gaza Strip by international forces in response to statements by Israel calling for such a move.

Probe identifies tech entrepreneur behind pro-Israel hate network: Report

A tech entrepreneur living in Florida is a prime mover behind a pro-Israel disinformation network seeking to shape public opinion about the Gaza war, an investigation by the Guardian has found.

UN warns situation in West Bank ‘dramatically deteriorating’

The top United Nations human rights official has warned of the worsening situation for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and the “unconscionable death and suffering” in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli soldiers violently block Palestinians from Al-Aqsa Mosque on Eid

Israeli forces violently blocked Palestinians from accessing Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem on Sunday to attend Eid prayer.

Israel freezing work permits for tens of thousands of Palestinians

Israeli authorities began freezing work permits for around 80,000 Palestinians from the occupied West Bank, according to a report.

Over 520 Palestinians killed in West Bank since start of Gaza war: UN

The United Nations has reported that more than 520 Palestinians have been killed in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since the outbreak of Israel's war on the Gaza Strip.

Over 500 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces, settlers in West Bank since start of Gaza war: UN

The United Nations has reported that in addition to the carnage in the Gaza Strip, more than 500 Palestinians, most of them children, have been killed since Oct. 7 last year in the occupied West Bank.

Hundreds of Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa

Hundreds of Israelis, under heavy protection from Israeli police, stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque ahead of the far-right annual "flag march" through occupied East Jerusalem.

Hamas says crimes against Palestinian prisoners among issues behind military operation against Israel

Hamas has roundly denounced the ongoing atrocities against Palestinian inmates at Israeli jails, stressing that an end to their sufferings was among the core issues behind the large-scale surprise military operation by the Gaza-based resistance groups last October.

3 European countries announce formal recognition of Palestinian state

The establishment of a Palestinian state is “the only route to peace” in the Middle East, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has stated as his country announced formal recognition of an independent Palestinian state, alongside Norway and Ireland.

Palestinian minister says economy facing unprecedented shock amid Gaza war

Minister of National Economy Mohammed Alamour has warned that the Palestinian economy is facing an "unprecedented" shock, due to the ongoing Hamas-Israel conflict in the Gaza Strip.

Western officials say cutting off Palestine from global banking system would be ‘catastrophic’

Western officials have warned of an “economic catastrophe” in the occupied West Bank if Israel does not renew a banking waiver vital to the Palestinian Authority (PA), the Financial Times has reported.

PA’s Mahmoud Abbas urges other countries to recognize Palestinian state

Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas has welcomed Ireland, Norway and Spain's decision to recognize a Palestinian state, calling on other countries to follow their lead.

3 European states to recognise Palestinian state

The leaders of Norway, Ireland and Spain have stated their countries will formally recognise Palestine as a state next week for the sake of “peace in the Middle East“, prompting Israel to immediately recall its envoys.

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