Iranian pres. meets head of Russian muftis in Moscow

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has held talks over different issues including the threats posed by the Takfiri groups, with head of the Council of Russian Muftis Ravil Einoddin in Moscow.

At the meeting, Raisi said his trip to Russia will mark a turning point in economic, political and, in particular, cultural ties between the two nations.

He added that relations with Russia’s Muslims are very important for Iran.
He also spoke about the threat of extremism, saying what is worrying today alongside atheism is the issue of extremism.

He added that extremism and the Takfiri ideology have dealt a blow to Muslims, saying all Muslims should be sensitive to the Takfiri ideology.

The president then referred to Iran and Russia’s role in Syria, adding the two countries fought puppets of the global arrogance and the Zionist regime in the Arab country.
He underlined the need to prevent deviations among Muslims.

Ravil Einoddin for his part expressed pleasure at Raisi’s visit to Russia, describing it as very important for Russian Muslims.

Einoddin also referred to a picture showing Ayatollah Raisi praying at the Kremlin during his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He hailed Raisi’s prayer as super symbolic and outstanding.

Einoddin said he heard from some people who sent him messages about the picture that the Iranian president’s prayer brought blessings to the Kremlin.

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