Iranian MPs to Vienna negotiators: Any sanctions removal must be inclusive, effective

Iranian lawmakers have in a statement called on the country’s negotiating team in Vienna talks to avoid any measure to meet the US needs for lowered oil prices regardless of Iran’s demands. The statement was issued by 160 MPs.

They said given the Ukraine crisis, the West increasingly needs energy imports from Iran but any energy deal with the US must meet Iran’s righteous demands.

They stressed that the negotiating team should not feel bound by the fake deadlines of the West in the Vienna talks, and should pursue the stated goals of Iran without delay by standing up for the protection of national interests and the Islamic Republic’s main demands and red lines.

They also urged the Iranian delegation in Vienna to obtain adequate economic, technical and political guarantees from the US that it will not again illegally withdraw from the nuclear agreement.

The statement said Iran should also push for receiving reparations from the US due to the losses it inflicted following its pullout from the nuclear deal. As for sanctions removal, the MPs said it must be inclusive and effective and must not be on paper alone.

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