Iranian military advisor killed in Israeli attack on Syria

A military advisor of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has been killed in an Israeli airstrike in Syria.

The military advisor was identified as Milad Heydari. Tasnim News Agency said the murderous attack happened on Friday morning in a suburb of the Syrian capital Damascus.

The IRGC issued a statement confirming the martyrdom of Milad Heydari.

The statement condemned the attack by the Zionist regime.

It also slammed the international community for its silence and inaction regarding the repeated aggression by the Zionist regime and the violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria as a member nation of the UN.

The IRGC added that the fake Zionist regime will receive a response over the crime.

The Israeli regime has been attacking Syria using missiles and warplanes over the past years.

Syria has written several letters to the UN in protest at the attacks. But the world body has failed to force the Zionist regime into stopping its acts of aggression.

Upon a request by the Syrian government, Iran has deployed militay advisors to the Middle Eadtern country to fight remnants of terror groups like Daesh.

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