Iranian judge survives attempt on life

An Iranian judge has escaped an assassination attempt after unknown armed assailants opened fire on his vehicle in the southeastern Sistan and Baluchestan Province.

The incident happened in the town of Saravan.

“The attempt on the life of the judge working at the Saravan Prosecutor’s Office failed, and he emerged unscathed from the attack,” said the provincial prosecutor.

“Security forces are trying to identify the perpetrators,” the same source added.

The botched assassination attempt follows a terror attack in the provincial city of Zahedan in which 19 people lost their lives and dozens were wounded.

The so-called group Jaish al-Adl claimed responsibility for the attack.

Posing as worshippers in Friday prayers, they raided a police station in Zahedan.

The terrorists opened fire at the station while hurling incendiary devices and rocks at it.

Several ordinary people and security forces were shot during the shooting.

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