Iranian FM: New roadmap will be drawn for ties with Russia

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian has said President Raisi’s visit to Russia will result in a new roadmap in ties between Tehran and Moscow.

Amir Abdollahian made the comment in an Op-Ed released by the Russian news outlet Sputnik.

He added that in bilateral relations, the two countries are determined to update the treaty which forms the basis of mutual relations and principles of cooperation in line with global developments.

Amir Abdollahian said the new Iranian administration has put in place a new roadmap for foreign ties that is balanced, dynamic and smart.

He noted that the roadmap underlines the need to work with neighbors, most notably Russia.

Amir Abdollahian said the new government of the Islamic Republic of Iran views Russia as a strong neighbor and friend on the basis of “cooperation, respect and mutual interests” and is interested in a significant leap in ties in various fields.

He also spoke of the prospects of economic ties between Tehran and Moscow. The foreign minister said the beginning of the process of Iran’s membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the cooperation between the Islamic Republic and the members of the Eurasian Economic Union has become a factor in strengthening economic relations between the two countries.

Amir Abdollahian also touched on security cooperation between Iran and Russia. He said Iran and Russia work together at the United Nations and other regional and international bodies to strengthen information security and combating organized crime.

In the Op-Ed, the Iranian foreign minister also spoke of military ties between Tehran and Moscow. He said in the field of defense and law enforcement, relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia are growing and the joint exercise of Iran, Russia and China in the North Indian Ocean and the Sea of Oman shows the seriousness of the three countries.
Amir Abdollahian maintained that Iran and Russia, as two regional powers, have a unique role in resolving regional conflicts and in fighting terrorism.

“The two countries share the common view that the Middle East region has suffered from a number of problems, including war, instability and insecurity, due to foreign intervention,” he said.

To address these issues, Amir Abdollahian said, consultations are ongoing between the two countries on ways of stabilizing Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Libya. Regarding the Iran-Russia cooperation in Syria, the top Iranian diplomat said the two countries have had joint and successful regional cooperation as guarantors of the Astana peace process and this successful experience can serve as a model in other areas, including in the reconstruction of Syria and the establishment of lasting stability and security in the country.

He noted that the regional cooperation between Iran and Russia is not limited to West Asia, but it also includes other regions, including the South Caucasus, Central Asia and the Caspian Sea.

Amir Abdollahian also said Iran and Moscow have worked together at the international level too, adding that the two countries stand united against the US’s inhumane and unilateral sanctions and the West’s meddling in the internal affairs of other countries.
He said Iran believes that unilateralism has failed and the age of illegal acts is over.

Elsewhere in the Op-Ed, the Iranian foreign minister spoke of the Vienna talks, saying Tehran has attended the negotiations with a pragmatic and result-oriented approach for the purpose of reaching a good deal.

He stressed that Russia played a positive role in the negotiations that led to the signing of the 2015 nuclear deal, JCPOA and has taken positive steps toward helping remove anti-Iran sanctions in the current talks in Vienna.

The Iranian foreign minister’s Op-Ed comes as President Ebrahim Raisi will go to Moscow on Wednesday for talks with Russian officials including President Vladimir Putin. Iranian and Russian leaders will discuss various issues of mutual interest.

Experts believe the visit will be a turning point in ties between Tehran and Moscow.

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