Sources: Iranian envoy chides Moscow over shift on strategic corridor in Caucasus

Iran’s ambassador to Russia has reportedly expressed Tehran's disapproval over Russia’s tilt towards the Republic of Azerbaijan regarding the strategic Zangezur corridor in Caucasus at the cost of Iran, according to informed sources.

The reaction by Kazem Jalali came after Russia supported Azerbaijan’s demand to get unimpeded access to its enclave Nakhchivan by opening the corridor through Armenia, which would cut off Iran’s direct access to Armenia.

Moscow made the policy shift after a recent trip by Russian President Vladimir Putin to Azerbaijan. In an interview during Putin’s visit, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov openly supported opening the controversial corridor.

The change of stance angered officials in Iran.

On Tuesday, the Director General of the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s Eurasia Directorate, Mojtaba Damirchilou, summoned Russian Ambassador in Tehran Alexei Dedov, reiterating Iran’s opposition in to any change to internationally recognized borders.

High-ranking Iranian officials, including the Leader, have issued multiple warnings that they will not allow any changes in the status quo in the Caucasus amid the escalating tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

This is not the first time Russia, considered Iran’s strategic ally, has ignored the Iranian interests in its interactions with other countries. Late last year, Moscow sparked outrage in Iran by siding with the United Arab Emirates over a territorial dispute with Iran on three Iranian islands in the Persian Gulf.

Many believe that, considering the tectonic shift in Russia’s foreign policy, Tehran also needs to revise its policies towards Moscow.

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