Iranian Diplomat, UN Envoy Discuss Obstacles to Syria Peace

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Jaberi Ansari and United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura have conferred on latest Syrian developments.

During the Monday talks in Tehran, de Mistura briefed Jaberi Ansari on details of the latest international efforts to resolve the Syria crisis, and elaborated on his views about the obstacles to the political solution of the crisis as well as the intra-Syrian negotiations.

For his part, Jaberi Ansari, who is also Iran’s top negotiator in the Astana Process (Syria peace talks), outlined the Islamic Republic of Iran’s views about ways to resolve the existing problems and restore peace and stability to Syria.

The two sides also conferred on the progress made in the recent meeting of Astana Process in Tehran.

They also discussed the Geneva talks and the agenda of the next Astana conference on Syria, which is to be held in Kazakhstan in the near future.

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