Iranian daily blames Taliban for terrorist attack in Sistan and Baluchestan

An Iranian daily says the terrorist attack in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan on Friday should be viewed in a broader context where multiple agents, most outstandingly the Taliban in neighboring Afghanistan, are involved.

In an article published on Tuesday, Jomhouri-e Eslami wrote that the Iranian officials should stop giving the Taliban a ‘purified’ appearance and admit to its role in the terrorist attack which left 12 security forces dead and several others wounded.

“Under the current circumstances, where the US is the biggest supporter of the Zionist regime in the genocide in Gaza and needs to inflict harm on Iran, it is natural that the Taliban and its affiliated groups will be tasked with carrying out large-scale terrorist operations like the one in Rask,” the daily believes.

It noted that over 70 days into the Israeli regime’s carnage in Gaza, the Taliban have not reacted to the crimes and do not even allow the Afghan people to hold rallies in condemnation of the Israeli atrocities.

“Pakistan and the people of Iran’s Sistan and Baluchistan Province not only have nothing to do with the crime in Rask, but are also strongly opposed to such actions.”

“On the other hand, the presence of members of the so-called Jaish al-Adl group in the Taliban training camps in Afghanistan, as reported by Afghan informants, leaves no doubt that the group is acting under the command of the self-styled Taliban administration,” the daily wrote.

Citing earlier statements by Taliban officials, Jomhouri-e Eslami branded the new rulers in Afghanistan as a “monopolist, racist and Takfiri terrorist” group that does not believe in an inclusive government that represent followers of different Islamic sects, including the Shias.

The terror group Jaish al-Adl has claimed responsibility for the Rask attack.

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