Iranian daily warns of ‘moles’ following Israel’s targeting of top commander in Damascus

An Iranian newspaper has heaped praise on Iran’s armed forces for staging a massive operation on Sunday against Israel to retaliate an aggression against the Iranian diplomatic premises in Syria earlier this month, but at the same time has warned of vulnerabilities.

In an article on Monday, Jomhuri-e Eslami sought to turn heads to the hitherto -less-discussed issue of ‘infiltrators’ who enabled the Israeli regime to target the senior commanders in the Iranian Embassy’s consular building in Damascus on April 1.

Israel, largely believed to have acted on a tip-off, launched a missile and drone attack on the Iranian diplomatic site that led to the death of seven military advisors, including General Mohammad Reza Zahedi.

The aggression provoked an extensive Iranian response on Israel’s military bases and intelligence centers.

“We resolutely responded the Zionists with hundreds of missiles and drones for crossing our red lines,” the Iranian newspaper wrote, adding, “Whether this story ends or God forbid continues with their madness, we must raise the walls of our house and fortify it.”

Jomhuri-e Eslami believes that the first step is to seal the “infiltration points,” explaining “Infiltrators should be sought among insiders; in the closest circle of friends, those who hear the words and are familiar with the codes and symbols.”

The daily had thinly-veiled words for Russia for being ‘unreliable’ in tough conditions.

“There are countless spies in Syria and Lebanon. We shouldn’t make friends with anyone (there). We shouldn’t bet on the owners of S300 and S400 (missile systems) who fall asleep when the enemy attacks us either. Let’s stand on our own two feet,” it concluded.

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